Website Project for Engineers Week 2021

During late 2020, I updated my NSBE chapter's website. During that update, I recorded a lot of the coding work that I had to update the website.

In honor of Engineers Week 2021, I will be releasing a video every day this week discussing some of the coding and the building of the new website.

Previous Website

The previous version of the website was ran on Drupal 7. Since Drupal 7 was getting close to retirement, I figured that this would be the best time to make any upgrades and improvements to the website.

There were some features from the existing website that I wanted to include, such as payment for memberships, being able to contact us to participate in community events, and information about the organization. Those features were all able to be implemented on the website through the use of modern technology and some custom coding solutions.

Current Website

I went ahead and updated the website to be a static website that uses a static site generator (SSG) to create the pages. This allows the content to be written in plain text files. Once the files have been saved, the SSG will take the content from the plain text files and put it into templated HTML files, which results in static HTML files. Those static HTML files can then be deployed to the website server.

Completed Work

You can catch watch the playlist of the video series on YouTube channel.

You can visit the chapters website at

Comments and questions about this project can be left on the YouTube video.

Posted: 2021-02-23
Author: Kenny Robinson