SLC.NET Presents: Steve Smith (ardalis) - Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core
Below are the notes that I took from this online presentation with Steve Smith. This presentation was done very early into the COVID-19 pandemic. In an effort to learn more about C# and the .NET Core framework, I found that this event was happening on Meetup. So I decided to attend. You can also join The SLC .NET User Group on Meetup.
Applying Clean Architecture to ASP.NET Core
April 9, 2020
separation of concerns
- dont let your plumbing code pollute your software
- avoid mixing different code responsibilties in the same method, class or project
the big three
- data access
- business rules and domain model
- user interface
single responsibiity
- avoid tightly coupling your tools together
- works in tandem with Separation of Concenrs
- class should focus on single responsibily; should only have one reason to change
Dont Repeat Yourself (DRY)
- put repetitive code into functions
- group functions into cohesive classes; dealing with the same responsbility
- group classes by folders and namespaces by responsibiltiy, level of abstraction, etc
- further group class folders into projects
Dependency Inversion
- Would you solder a lamp directly into the electrical wiring in a wall?
invert (and inject) dependencies
- both high level classes and implementation-detail classes should depend on abstractions (interfaces); should not be hard coded
- classes should follow explicit dependencies principle; classes should be explicit about all of the classes that they need; dependencies are defined in the class constructor
- make your types honest, not deceptive
- dont have a constructor with a lot of dependencies. consider using additional classes if this is the case
- advised not to use property dependency injection
abstractions/inferfaces must be defined somewhere accessible by
- low level implemetnation services
- high level business services
- user interface entry points; usually done in configure services
Dependency Graphs
Direct Dependency Graph
- Class A -> Class B -> Class C
Inverted dpedency graph
- Class A -> Inteface B -> Class B -> Interface C -> Class C
- this allows the actual class to be swapped out and easier to test
Make the right thing easy and the wrong thing hard
- UI classes shouldnt depend on infrastructure classes (file system, database, external resources, etc)
- how can we strcuture our solution to help enforce this?
- business / domain classes shouldnt depend on infrastructure classes
- avoid repeating or copy pasting (DRY)
Class N Tier Architecture (or N Layer)
- originally, everything was in the same layer (Classical)
- over time, that changed to N-tier where each layer is separated
Transitive dependencies
- this resulted in everything on the database because the top layer depended on the later below it
- this mean that the database had to be reset each time the tests were ran
domain-centric design
- better than data centric design
domain model
- model of the problem that exists of entities, interfaces, services, and more
- should be able to work independent of the database
- interfaces define contracts for work with domain objects
- everything in the application (including infrasctrucutre and data access) depends on these interfaces and domain objects
clean architecture (aka Onion Architecture)
- each layer points to the inside layer
- the domain entities at the center; they should be protected from being coupled; it makes things easier to test
the middle circles are what everything depends on; outer circles are other services and depend on the things in the middle
domain model represents the entities and abstractions; not the repository thought, just the interface
clean architecture "rules"
- application core contains the domain model
- all projects depends on the core project; dependencies point inward to the application core
- inner projects define intefaces; outer projects implement them (like infrastructure)
- abstraction lives in core; impementation lives in outter
- avoid direct depednecy on the infrastructure project (except from integration test and possbily startup.cs); controllers should not be using things from the infrastructure
- framework independent
- database independent
- UI independent
- it is very testable
- everything knows about core
refactoring to a clean architecture
- best: start from properly configured project
- next best: start from single application project
- most difficult: large, existing investment in multilayer architecture
the core project (domain)
Minimal dependencies - none on infrastructure What goes in it
- interfaces
- entities, value objects, aggregates
- domain services
- custom exceptions
- domain events
- event handlers
- specifications
infrastructure project
all dependencies on out of process resources
- repositories
- ef core, dbcontext
- cached repositories
- web api clients
- file system
- logging
- email / sms sending
- system clock
- other services
- interfaces (sometimes; these are for the ones that depends on infrastructure stuff)
web project
- controllers
- views
- view models (or api models, or binding models)
- filters
- binders
- tag / html helpers
- other services
- interfaces (that depend on UI stuff)
shared kernel
- items that are shared between multiple solutions
- referenced by the core projects
- ideally distributed as nuget packages
solution structure - clean architecture
functional test -> web web -> infrastructure web -> core infrastructure -> core unit tests -> core integration tests -> infrastructure core -> shared kernel
how to keep controllers smaller
- dont use a lot of logic in them; especially if it is not UI related
- accept a type (view model, api model)
- perform model validation
- do work
- create model required for response
- return with result type (view, page, ok, not found)
do work
- get entity from injected repository
- work with the entity and its methods
- update the entitys state using the repository