MVC Going Forward
One thing that I have learned over the past several years, is to be good at a particular thing or set of things. By doing this, it will allow you to succeed and brand yourself as an expert in those things.
From a technical career perspective, one of those things was becoming good at building and working with MVC technologies. At my day job, I use MVC a lot. Also build reports using Microsoft Report Builder, and some database design.
In my personal work, I have worked with some PHP frameworks that are MVC-based. Because of this, I decided to be good at all things related to MVC. Now in some cases, I will not be able to utilize MVC concepts, like when building applications that have long running tasks or scheduled jobs. Also will mention that there are some websites that do not require a database, so those will be built using static website generators. From a software perspective though, I will target building things that work in MVC pattern.
I really should be saying building things in an MVCS pattern. That's Model-View-Controller-Service. Most MVC frameworks have good intentions, but when applying those good intentions, they lead to violating some software and coding best practices. One example of this would be putting business logic in the controller code, like how CakePHP does with its "bake" commands. Even in some of the C# documentation for .NET Core MVC, it also suggests that all business logic go in the controller.
Now while the application will work with the business logic in the controller, it does make it difficult to test with the logic in the controller. Thus why it is not considered to be a best practice to do it that way. For the CakePHP applications that I will be building going forward, I intend on putting the business logic in Components. For the C# applications, the business logic will go in a Service layer or Use Case layer classes.
Hopefully by sticking with this architecture pattern, I can brand myself as an expert in this subject area and use that to market my skills and capabilities with the applications and the content that I create going forward.