Transitioning To Neighborhood Association to Non-Profit or HOA
Below is the speech outline for the Toastmasters speech about the research that I had done about transitioning the neighborhood assocation to a neighborhood assocation or a homeowners assocation.
Speech Outline
- use porch lights to deter crime
- ADECA - Alabama Department of Econoic and Community Affairs
- grant existed but had to be non profit to qualify
- Neighborhood Services wants to assist all to become non-profits, we can do it ourselves
- I researched starting via the SOS website, found out about AL Homeowners Association Act of 2016
- same requirements as non-profit corporation and more
- contacted SOS office; couldn't advise on how to proceed, suggested to contact lawyer
- no records on file for association or anywhere else
- have to present to board and eventually members
- filing fees and others approximately $300
- considering filing as non-profit as other have already done
- good at story telling
- good hand gestures
- volume
- adding a hook
- useful facts
- diverse topics (in regards to previous speeches given in the past)
- strength in delivery
- missed using the word of the day
Posted: 2024-09-17
Author: Kenny Robinson