Toastmasters Table Topics, Spring Time

For this latest Toastmasters meeting with my chapter, I was responsible for providing the Table Topics for the meeting. Below are the questions that I asked.

  • With Spring comes allergies. What's something that you are allergic to or strongly dislike?
  • The concept of Daylight Savings Time was to conserve energy. With LED bulbs and the Energy Star Program, does this really serve a purpose to go back and forward with time?
  • Spring time, means Spring Cleaning. What items in your house should have been removed a long time ago and why?
  • Speaking of cleaning, what items or rooms in your house that do you not like to clean?
  • Graduation season is on the horizon. What is something that you wish you had learned before you graduated?
  • If adults were to get spring break off like students, where would you go and what would you do?
  • The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah. What is your method for getting rid of ants?
  • Some people could not keep a plant alive to save their own life. Describe how good or bad your plant parenting skills are.
  • Spring is synonymous with new live or new beginnings. What is something new that you have started this season or year?
Posted: 2023-04-17
Author: Kenny Robinson, @almostengr