Different Movie Ending

Those that have read my other posts, know that I am in Toastmasters, which is a organization that helps individuals be better at public speaking. The Table Topic question that I received during this week's meeting was

If you could change the ending of any movie that you had ever seen, what movie would it be and how would you alter the way that it ends?

Side note: I'm not quoting what I said in the speech, but I am including some parts of the speech and some reflection of things after the speech.

My answer was the movie of life. I do not mean the movie called "Life" with Eddie Murphy, Bernie Mac, and other cast members. I mean the life that we are currently live. Each decision that we make every day impacts the next set of decisions that come after it. Like when you play Checkers, not taking the double jump when you had the opportunity, means that your opponent could win the game because of your error.

I have thought about a number of the "oops" and bad judgment calls that I have made over the years. I eventually got to the point that I should evaluate myself and what led up to those bad or not ideal decisions. At the same time, I do wonder that if I had decided to do things differently, where would I be now. Who would I be how. Differences in family dynamics and friendship circles. All of these things could be different with each thought or decision made.

I do admit that some decisions have been detrimental when hindsight is applied to them. At the time those decisions seemed like the right thing to do, even when there was uncertainty of what would happen afterwards. Other times, those decisions were made intentionally, because of the vision that was given prior to the decision being made.

Other times I have made decisions because I did not feel like I fit in and when reached out for support, the support did not support or the support said that it wasn’t their problem to assist. Thus you abandon ship and figure it out your own way instead of staying the course and feeling out of place. But what if you had stuck it out?

That where changing the end of various movies of life comes in to play. Hindsight is great, but it can also be depressing, and provide an avenue for retrospective. There are some things that in this movie of life I would rewrite the endings to, but I also have to take these as life experiences and apply them forward for the future and whatever future movie that will come out next.

Posted: 2025-03-06
Author: Kenny Robinson