Men Need Time Alone
After my grandfather died, my grandmother and I were talking one day. She made the comment that one thing that she would change from them being together is that he would...
2 minute read | posted on 2025-03-12
The question that was asked for today's table topic was if there was an age that I could go back to for a week, what age would that be and why? I chose to pivot the answer...
1 minute read | posted on 2025-03-11
Those that have read my other posts, know that I am in Toastmasters, which is a organization that helps individuals be better at public speaking. The Table Topic question...
2 minute read | posted on 2025-03-06
Ingredients sausage (or other meat of choosing) eggs (varies depending on number of muffins made) optional: peppers, onions, tomatoes, cheese Instructions Preheat oven to...
1 minute read
One thing that I have learned over the past several years, is to be good at a particular thing or set of things. By doing this, it will allow you to succeed and brand...
1 minute read | posted on 2024-12-28
Background There is a concept that people have come to talk about that has some controversy. Some say that it is about government control. Others say that it is about...
3 minute read | posted on 2024-10-16
Presentation I gave a presentation using visual aids to complete Level 3 of the Presentation Mastery Path. This presentation was about me no longer having braces and the...
1 minute read | posted on 2024-10-15
Below is the speech outline for the Toastmasters speech about the research that I had done about transitioning the neighborhood assocation to a neighborhood assocation or...
1 minute read | posted on 2024-09-17
One of the Toastmasters asked us what was required to make a Rolex. Most of us was thinking about the watch, but she was talking about the food. This food is a common...
1 minute read
I "read" the audio book version of "The Healthiest Diet on the Planet: Why the Foods You Love-Pizza, Pancakes, Potatoes, Pasta, and More-Are the Solution to Preventing...
2 minute read | posted on 2024-09-06
As I get older, one thing that I am being mindful of is what I eat and drink. I was looking at my credit card statement last month, and realized that out of the roughly 50...
3 minute read | posted on 2024-08-26
This is the outline for the persuave speech that I gave for PATHWAYS - Presentation Mastery (L3) Persuasive Speaking (5-7 min) Outline persuade kids to do something look...
1 minute read | posted on 2024-08-20
Groups or content targeted for or created by Black people in the IT industry. Some of the resources apply to mutliple areas of tech, while others are specific. Some groups...
3 minute read | posted on 2024-05-25
I received a request to provide an estimate of what it would take to restructure a website. the website is based on Wordpress. I will be leaving the website on that...
4 minute read | posted on 2024-05-24
There are many articles that talk about how social media has had detrimental effects on people. Some of these include being bullied online, the comparison trap, and "doing...
5 minute read | posted on 2024-05-14
This is the outline for a Toastmasters speech that I gave about homes that were built in the 1970s asked about has house always been this way; looks like two houses that...
1 minute read | posted on 2024-05-07
I use Falcon PI Player for my holiday lighting. After adding flood lights to the light show this past year, I wanted to use the landscape or flood lights year round for...
4 minute read | posted on 2024-04-19 | updated on 2024-05-25
A fellow Facebook friend posted about struggling to keep up with things and to an extent, life. As I went to start doing some computer tasks, this article titled "Helping...
2 minute read | posted on 2024-04-30
Assessment Information Supportive, 4 Direct, 3 Analytical, 2 Initiating, 2 Based on the assessment, I am a patient, cooperative, and sympathetic. I also prefer a personal...
1 minute read | posted on 2024-04-02
Asked ChatGPT for questions related to social media so that they could be asked during the meeting. How has social media impacted your daily life and interactions with...
1 minute read | posted on 2024-03-19
Typical work day consists of going to work, coming home, making dinner, doing some tasks in the evening, and then going to bed. I had noticed in more recent months, that I...
3 minute read | posted on 2024-02-27
I completed another live stream this past week where I talked about tech. One thing that I have noticed is that there are some questions that get regularly asked. One...
1 minute read | posted on 2024-02-25
For this meeting, I had the Table Topics Masters role. Typically I try to have a theme to the questions being asked. Unable to come up with one, I asked ChatGPT for...
2 minute read | posted on 2024-02-13
I run a Christmas Light Show at my house each year. One of the things that I implemented this past year was to create a website that allows users to select the song that...
2 minute read | posted on 2024-02-07
Outline tell about the situation that I had to evict a squirrel out. If time permits, tell about the follow up visit that had to be done. Feedback received positive...
1 minute read | posted on 2024-01-23
This speech is for Presentation Mastery, Level 1. Writing A Speech With Purpose Example Speech should answer the below questions. What is the most important thing I want...
2 minute read | posted on 2023-12-19
Today I received a call from a guy. I do not recall what company that he was calling from nor his name, but I did take the time the listen to what he was offering because...
2 minute read | posted on 2023-12-07
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
6 minute read | posted on 2023-12-02
Background I created the Light Show Extender application as a project to add functionality to my Christmas Light Show. The problem that I have is one that is similar to...
1 minute read | posted on 2023-11-15
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
7 minute read | posted on 2023-11-02
For this meeting, I was responsible for the word of the day, aka the grammarian. regaleplay (rih-GAIL) Regale is a somewhat formal word that means “to entertain or amuse...
1 minute read | posted on 2023-10-24
The automation that I created to help me create videos works well. The problem though, is that how I built it makes it somewhat difficult to maintain. One thought that I...
1 minute read | posted on 2023-10-24
For this meeting, I am the Table Topic Master. Meaning I had to provide questions that the attendees of the meeting had to ask in a 1 to 2 minute speech. I used ChatGPT to...
2 minute read | posted on 2023-10-10
Speech Details level 1, presentation mastery 4-6 minutes About self last ice breaker speech was in May 2021 reviewed notes that I joined Toastmasters is to be better at...
1 minute read
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
7 minute read | posted on 2023-10-02
Foundational C# with Microsoft Certification Exam: Passed Number of questions: 80 Correct answers: 67 Percent correct: 83.8% Time: 25:36...
1 minute read | posted on 2023-09-23
For this Toastmasters meeting, I was the Grammarian. The word of the day, according to the Merriam-Webster website, was ambiguous. It is defined as capable of being...
1 minute read | posted on 2023-09-05
|2023-09-07|22.8 (73.0)|35.0 (95.0)|28.3 (82.9)|38|91|70|0.000 (0.000)|0.000 (0.000)| |2023-09-08|18.9 (66.0)|32.8 (91.0)|26.4 (79.5)|31|90|62|0.000 (0.000)|0.000 (0.000)|...
2 minute read
The RLC was held virtually for NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers) Professionals. Here are some of the notes that I took from the sessions that took place. Day 1 -...
3 minute read | posted on 2023-08-15
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
7 minute read | posted on 2023-08-02
With people doing home renovations themselves, describe your least favorite room in your house and how you would change it with an unlimited budget? Some people insist...
1 minute read | posted on 2023-07-25
Background I have been having issues with my home network. Running a TP-Link router with DD-WRT installed, for reasons unknown to me, the WiFi would randomly stop working....
3 minute read | posted on 2023-07-20
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
7 minute read | posted on 2023-07-02
One thing about the HDHomeRun that I do not loike is when there is an update available for the device, that it does not notify you. Instead, I have to periodically go to...
1 minute read | posted on 2023-06-18
I havea computer that runs 24/7. It is connected to a UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) so that it does go offline when there are momentary power outages. One problem...
1 minute read | posted on 2023-06-03
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
7 minute read | posted on 2023-06-02
This is the final speech that I have to give in the Innovative Planning path of Toastmasters. Below is the outline that created for this speech. Goal of this speech is to...
2 minute read | posted on 2023-05-16
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
7 minute read | posted on 2023-05-02
Background I received an email that referenced one of my existing posts. I have received similar requests in the past, but this time I decided to do something different....
3 minute read | posted on 2023-04-20
This year, doing taxes was more, taxing. I made more money and had more jobs as well. Thus Uncle Sam was not going to be looking at me the same as he did before. While...
3 minute read | posted on 2023-04-19
For this latest Toastmasters meeting with my chapter, I was responsible for providing the Table Topics for the meeting. Below are the questions that I asked. With Spring...
1 minute read | posted on 2023-04-17
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
7 minute read | posted on 2023-04-02
Background On occasion I enjoy writing out my thoughts here on the blog, but one thing that I wanted to consider try doing is to use voice typing to be able to improve my...
2 minute read | posted on 2023-03-22
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
7 minute read | posted on 2023-03-02
This is the outline of the speech that I gave for Level 5 of the Innovative Planning Pathway. The goal of this speech, is to able to design and complete a project with...
1 minute read | posted on 2023-02-27
I started watching videos and reading blog posts about time management. I have outlined some of the things that I have learned from my watching and readings. Having a...
3 minute read | posted on 2023-02-08
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
6 minute read | posted on 2023-02-02
I have been working on getting through completing a phase of the Video Processor Application, I ran into an issue. I wanted to have a enum with string values. Those of you...
1 minute read | posted on 2023-01-30
Before my daughter was born, I was on TikTok and decided to follow several doulas. One of them had mentioned about when mothers go to the hospital that they should have...
4 minute read | posted on 2023-01-26
Below is the outline for the speech that I gave regarding a compelling blog post. This is the Level 4 of Innovative Planning Pathway. This speech is to be 2-3 minutes...
1 minute read | posted on 2023-01-10
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
5 minute read | posted on 2023-01-02
Approximately two weeks after my wife had our daughter, she had what myself and her family observed as a manic episode. I will say that have interacted with people who...
2 minute read | posted on 2022-12-23
I was browsing and reading up about PHP. It has been some time since I have done a PHP based project after I stopped running the websites that I managed on Drupal, so I...
2 minute read | posted on 2022-12-06
On occasion, I check the analytics of my YouTube channel. I had a previous conversation with Ryan Cox, who is a personal branding coach, in 2021 about branding myself and...
2 minute read | posted on 2022-12-05
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
7 minute read | posted on 2022-12-02
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
6 minute read | posted on 2022-11-02
At one point, I ran virtual machines for various services or installed them directly to the media computer that runs 24/7. I have gotten away from virtual machines because...
3 minute read | posted on 2022-11-01 | updated on 2023-05-23
Below is the outline for the Toastmasters speech that I gave about building an online and social media presence. This is L4 of the Innovative Planning Pathway. Goal Goal...
1 minute read | posted on 2022-10-24
I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS system. Overall the upgrade went smooth, but there was one thing that was off. That was the monitor setup. The computer that I have...
3 minute read | posted on 2022-10-18
As I research various technologies and ways of doing things, one thing that I found is that people are putting their project documentation in with their source code. Now...
4 minute read | posted on 2022-10-14
This is the outline for my speech on Level 4 of the Innovative Planning, Manage Projects Successfully. I talk about what it takes to plan a community event for my NSBE...
1 minute read | posted on 2022-10-04
Having worked in IT for a number of years, one thing that is fairly common is having to use Microsoft Outlook for calendar and email. One thing that most do not realize,...
11 minute read | posted on 2022-10-03
Problem I wanted to compress all of the tar files in the directories for video processor application. Given the number of files, I did not want to do this one by one....
1 minute read | posted on 2022-10-02 | updated on 2023-01-17
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
6 minute read | posted on 2022-10-02
Background A lady reached out to me recently requesting help with the Drupal-based website that she was working on. She needed to upgrade it from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9. I...
3 minute read | posted on 2022-09-30
When I have some free time, I look into the other ways to build software. By doing this, it helps me to expacd my existing knowledge and understand newer and better ways...
5 minute read | posted on 2022-09-28
This is the outline for my speech on Level 4 of the Innovative Planning, Manage Projects Successfully. I talk about what was required for my NSBE chapter to plan our...
1 minute read | posted on 2022-09-27
I was building an automation and needed to find the length of the variable. After doing some research, I found that you can do that easily with the commands below. $...
1 minute read | posted on 2022-09-17
As you may or may not know, I run couple of YouTube channels. One of the channels I post dash cam video of trips and bad driving. The other channel I post #"...
3 minute read | posted on 2022-09-16
Back Story I have been on TikTok for some time now. One day someone posted a video about how the outlets in his garage or shed were installed upside down. The poster went...
2 minute read | posted on 2022-09-12
Table Topics are a portion of the Toastmasters meeting where individuals are asked a question and have to provide a response without preparing a speech. The activity is...
1 minute read | posted on 2022-09-08 | updated on 2022-10-04
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
6 minute read | posted on 2022-09-02
During the summer, I was nominated and eventually elected to be the Public Relations chair for the Toastmasters club that I am a member of. One of the duties that the role...
3 minute read | posted on 2022-08-30 | updated on 2022-10-03
SEO company calls, says my business website is slow and needs to be improved. I know where this going because I've had similar calls in the past, but I got time today so I...
4 minute read | posted on 2022-08-28
objectives combined training and discuss each role steps to preparing speech finding material organizing your speech crafting your speech preparing to speak ending your...
1 minute read | posted on 2022-08-14
Managed to avoid it for this long, but I caught COVID. Think it was when I went out to pick up some items for a customer for work at their house, but not 100% sure of...
8 minute read | posted on 2022-08-06 | updated on 2022-08-14
This meeting, I am the Table Topics master. Since school in Alabama is about to start, I centered this meetings Topics' questions around school. What was your favorite...
1 minute read | posted on 2022-08-02
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
6 minute read | posted on 2022-08-02
I did a presentation about how the design of roads are the cause for people speeding, not the drivers being defiant and ignoring the speed limit. This was done as a...
1 minute read | posted on 2022-07-26
For about the last couple of years, my dentist has been saying that he was concerned because of my under bite. Add to that, one of my wisdom teeth did not grow in...
3 minute read | posted on 2022-07-15
While I primarily do programming and work in IT (Information Technology), I do read or watch content that is not related to programming and the field of IT. Headline...
1 minute read | posted on 2022-07-08 | updated on 2022-07-08
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
6 minute read | posted on 2022-07-02
Roe v Wade was overturned on Friday. That means that those to want to have an abortion will have to travel to states that allow it. That also means that in the states that...
6 minute read | posted on 2022-06-27
I was looking for a way to determine the day of Thanksgiving for the current year. Looked online, but did not find a solution that worked. Thus had to come up with my own...
1 minute read | posted on 2022-06-19
1 minute read | posted on 2022-06-18
I was updating the Falcon Pi Twitter project from .NET 5 to .NET 6. As part of this upgrade, I created new projects so that I could use the templates that were designed...
3 minute read | posted on 2022-06-12
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
6 minute read | posted on 2022-06-02
5 - 7 minute speech the goal: start a youtube channel and build it to make passive income Getting Started did video club in high school, but the "advanced" tech that we...
1 minute read | posted on 2022-05-10
Notes from church service use a framework and not a formula dependence on the Holy Spirit is non negotiable there are 7 prespectives Principle Psalm 119:105 God rarely...
3 minute read | posted on 2022-05-01
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
6 minute read | posted on 2022-05-02
I created an API application that allows a temperature sensor on the network. By doing this, this allows Home Assistant to access the data and control the air conditioning...
1 minute read | posted on 2022-04-24
The Great Resignation. It is a term that has become more popular with the number of people that are quitting their jobs because of the shift in the work culture. Break...
6 minute read | posted on 2022-04-20
For this Toastmasters speech, I had to present a proposal about the topic of my choosing. I chose to discuss the traffic and switching to not doing things the American way...
3 minute read | posted on 2022-04-19
Couple of weeks ago, an individual that is in one of the Black Tech groups that I am in on Facebook, made a post. Unfortunately, I do not have a copy of the exact text of...
6 minute read | posted on 2022-04-16
Having sat on both sides of the interview desk, there are certain things that I have learned and have created this resource to share those details. They are in no...
8 minute read | posted on 2022-04-11 | updated on 2022-09-20
Since first learning how to code in 2002, holding various part- and full-time paid positions since 2008, a follower of #BlackTechTwitter on Twitter, and participating in a...
32 minute read | posted on 2022-04-08 | updated on 2022-10-12
Background As some of you may know, I run two YouTube channels. One is Robinson Handy and Technology Services, which I talk about tech, do it yourself repairs and builds,...
7 minute read | posted on 2022-04-07
Was invited to participate in a book club discussion about the book titled "The Law of Life: Healing from Disease, Depression, and Damaged Relationships" by Mark Sandoval....
3 minute read | posted on 2022-04-04 | updated on 2023-09-05
All was good for the day. Was able to access the internet via my phone. Then all of a sudden I was not able to. Still able make and receive calls and texts, but no...
2 minute read | posted on 2022-04-01
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
6 minute read | posted on 2022-04-02
Last year, when I got home a dog was waiting for me. Didn't ask for it. Wasn't ready for it. Dog was just there, hiding between mine and the neighbor's house. I give more...
5 minute read | posted on 2022-03-23
With the conflict going on between Russia and Ukraine (really Russia bullying Ukraine), the cost of gas continues to go up. This is similar to how gas went up during the...
10 minute read | posted on 2022-03-15 | updated on 2022-03-24
I see a lot of articles and videos that talk about how Nissan CVTs (Continuously Variable Transmissions) are trash and as an owner of one I wanted to share my thoughts. At...
4 minute read | posted on 2022-03-10
Below is the outline for the speech that I did for Level 2 of the Innovating Planning tract. This speech is to be related to the topic of mentoring. The objective is to...
2 minute read | posted on 2022-03-08
Cheatsheet of commands to use when working with git. This is a quick reference for the commands that are most commonly used when working with Git. A description of what...
4 minute read | updated on 2022-03-04
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
6 minute read | posted on 2022-03-02
Background As you may know, I use MkDocs to generate the static pages for my website. This means that the posts that I write are written in Markdown and then I have to run...
5 minute read | posted on 2022-02-26
Those have have followed this blog over the years, or have viewed it using the WayBack Machine, know that at one point that I did have commenting turn on for my blog when...
3 minute read | posted on 2022-02-25
An individual that know from the community reached out to me and said that he wanted to donate a 3D printer that he had to my NSBE chapter. This was unexpected and I had...
4 minute read | posted on 2022-02-24
Problem I noticed that the disk space on my development computer had significantly decreased. After running df -h . via the terminal, I found that there were a lot of...
1 minute read | posted on 2022.02.11 | updated on 2023-01-17
Yesterday I attended a session about breaking into tech. This is a topic that I frequently see asked on Black Tech Twitter and various tech Facebook groups that I'm in....
3 minute read | posted on 2022-02-02
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
6 minute read | posted on 2022-02-02
Objective Below is the outline that I have made for my Toastmasters speech about Connecting With The Audience. In short, the purpose of this speech is to practice...
3 minute read | posted on 2022-01-25
The LinkSys WRT1900AC router comes with a built in fan. I wanted to find a way to be able to control the fan so that it would run based when certain temperature thresholds...
1 minute read | posted on 2022-01-21 | updated on 2023-02-14
The local Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in partnership with mutliple sponsors, held a digtal marketing course of the span of 6 weeks. The reason that I signed...
14 minute read | posted on 2022-01-13 | updated on 2022-01-20
Each year for about the last 5 years, during the month of January, I do a fast. The church that I previously attended would do fasting and prayer as a congregation. There...
8 minute read | posted on 2022-01-10 | updated on 2022-01-24
Now you're probably thinking he really take a cruise during the pandemic or is that just a title for the sake of getting views. yes I actually really did take a cruise...
6 minute read | posted on 2022-01-06
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
7 minute read | posted on 2022-01-02
Having recently gotten married, I figured that I would share advice on the things that I learned and did in preparation of and on the day of the wedding. Invite Guests You...
12 minute read | posted on 2021-12-19 | updated on 2022-04-14
I have been working on several size projects. One of those projects, related to the Christmas Light Show called Falcon Pi Twitter, has custom built software that runs it....
4 minute read | posted on 2021-12-12
I recently got the COVID Booster. Prior to getting the booster, I got the original shots about 8 months prior. Initially I was not going to get the booster since I did not...
3 minute read | posted on 2021-12-08
Be Productive When You Can't Sleep Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night. For example, right now as I am writing this post, it is 1:59 AM. I have been awake for...
3 minute read | posted on 2021-12-02 | updated on 2022-01-21
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
6 minute read | posted on 2021-12-02
Whether you are a seasoned programmer or beginner, these resources will help you with challenges that you may face when working on websites or software. .NET (.NET Core)...
2 minute read | posted on 2021-11-26 | updated on 2022-09-30
Wanting to get a Linux certification, but do not have any experience with it? The resources below will get you on the way to learning Linux and what all it has to offer....
1 minute read | posted on 2021-11-26 | updated on 2022-09-30
Find SQL Server Stored Procedure or Function By Contents Problem I was working making changes to a table function that is in a SQL Server database. This update was being...
1 minute read | posted on 2021-11-26
Groups or content targeted for or created by Black people in the IT industry. Some of the resources apply to mutliple areas of tech, while others are specific. Some groups...
3 minute read | posted on 2021-11-26 | updated on 2022-09-30
Blogging for Dummies It has been months since I have posted something here. You are probably wondering why there has been a drought in content. Well, when running a...
3 minute read | posted on 2021-11-15
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
5 minute read | posted on 2021-11-02
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
7 minute read | posted on 2021-10-02
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
7 minute read | posted on 2021-09-02
I recently had some work that required me to extend the functionality of the JQuery Validator. The plugin does not have a build in method that will do date comparisons, so...
1 minute read | posted on 2021-08-12
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
8 minute read | posted on 2021-08-02
Problem I was cleaning files on the system. Wanted to get rid of files that were duplicated as I had two computers that had gotten out of sync with each other. Solution...
1 minute read | posted on 2021-07-21 | updated on 2023-01-17
For this meeting, I was the grammarian. The role of the Grammarian is to come up with a word of the day and to track how many times it was used in the meeting. The word I...
1 minute read | posted on 2021-07-06
Hi! Kenny’s better half here :) My now fiance and I dated for a little over a year before he popped the question in January. In May I moved in, and in December, we will be...
5 minute read | posted on 2021-07-02
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Data is pulled via API from the NWS and saved to this blog...
7 minute read | posted on 2021-07-02
As the world continues to adapt to be touchless and contactless, I have noticed a trend that in theory seems like it should work, but it actually, has some flaws. More and...
2 minute read | posted on 2021-07-01 | updated on 2021-07-02
This month, there were 3 cucumbers that I was able to pick from the garden. A number of flowers were present on the vine, but at this time was not bearing any fruit. Have...
1 minute read | posted on 2021-06-30
Table Topics are a portion of the Toastmasters meeting where individuals are asked a question and have to provide a response without preparing a speech. The activity is...
3 minute read | posted on 2021-06-29
What is a coding challenge? A coding challenge strives to test ones ability to be able to solve a problem using a defined set of criteria. Often times, coding challenges...
3 minute read | posted on 2021-06-25
I have shared in previous posts about being a dog parent and some of the challenges and learning experiences. Time flies when you are having fun. Thus it has been 3...
4 minute read | posted on 2021-06-22
In this video, I close out the video series about creating a templte for a MkDocs website. For more information about the template, check out the video. Video Transcript...
18 minute read | posted on 2021-06-22
Problem While having backups are important, the problem that I had was that I would not remember to do the backups on a regular basis. The Christmas light show has lots of...
1 minute read | posted on 2021-06-21 | updated on 2023-01-17
Problem I have files that I load from my dash camera and phone. I have an application that will assemble those files into a tarball that would then be processed into a...
1 minute read | posted on 2021-06-17 | updated on 2023-01-17
The customer requested my services to put together this work out equipment. The customer purchased this Pro Tower Machine from Academy Sports and Outdoors. I discuss the...
5 minute read | posted on 2021-06-12
Below are the notes that I took during a webinar about how to diversify or increase your income streams. Having multiple income streams is great because if one stream ends...
2 minute read | posted on 2021-06-12
Background Normally when I fly, I try to find a nonstop flight. Why? Because I do not want to sit around in an airport looking at other people and waiting for the plane to...
6 minute read | posted on 2021-06-11 | updated on 2022-04-14
Video Coding Repository mkdocs-template Repository theme
1 minute read | posted on 2021-06-08 | updated on 2021-06-12
Problem The chair that I previous had, experienced a lot more wear and tear during the pandemic as I was working from home. Not to mention, the chair had seen better days....
10 minute read | posted on 2021-06-05
Problem I recently attempted to push some commits up to GitHub. One of the recent commits included a newly created GitHub Actions Workflow file. For those of you who are...
3 minute read | posted on 2021-06-05
Weather data as reported from the National Weather Service for the weather station that is cloest to my garden. Entries that have "NA" do not have the data available. The...
6 minute read | posted on 2021-06-24
Background I took my first flights after being approved for TSA Pre-Check. I signed up early in 2020, and then boom... COVID hit. Thus I lost an entire year of Pre-Check...
5 minute read | posted on 2021-05-24
Problem I noticed that I could not connect to one of my virutal machines (VM). I have a script that checks to see if the machines were offline and if so it will start...
6 minute read | posted on 2021-05-10 | updated on 2023-01-17
Background Those of you that are regular readers of the blog, may have noticed that more content was published this week than in weeks or even years past. There's a...
4 minute read | posted on 2021-05-08
When you have a desk job for a living, sometimes you get tired of sitting down all of the time. I know that I do. Often times when I go out and everyone around me is...
7 minute read | posted on 2021-05-07
Background In a Facebook group that I am a member of, someone asked the following: Web Developer's How are you all preparing for interviews? I have no actual web...
9 minute read | posted on 2021-05-06
Background Sometime ago, one of my coworkers had mentioned that he was part of Toastmasters. I shared with him that I had been interested in joining the group, but had not...
4 minute read | posted on 2021-05-05
Video Links Mentioned Coding Challenge Repository Transcript (Unedited) what's going on good people this video i'm going to continue building out a coding challenge that i...
31 minute read | posted on 2021-05-04
Here is the latest from the garden about what changes I have made for the upcoming growing season and the observations of what nature has done. Organization In previous...
4 minute read | posted on 2021-05-03
Video Transcript (Unedited) what is going on fellow engineers this video is another handyman video although today is not saturday i am doing some work i have a customer...
3 minute read | posted on 2021-05-01
Video Links Mentioned Honeywell Thermostat Install
1 minute read | posted on 2021-04-17
Since the COVID-19 vaccine was being rolled out, I eventually was able to sign up to get the Moderna vaccine. I did not want to be the very first to get it because of the...
4 minute read | posted on 2021-04-11 | updated on 2021-04-13
1 minute read | posted on 2021-04-06
Video Transcript (Unedited) for people like me that like to do their own stuff you know handiwork and love diy this is one diy project that i wouldn't recommend for a lot...
10 minute read | posted on 2021-04-03
After you create a number of branches with git, it becomes outdated and a maintenance issue since local branches are not synchronized with branches on the server or...
2 minute read | posted on 2021-04-01
Video Links Mentioned Coding Challenge Repository Transcript (Unedited) what's going on good people this video will be a coding challenge video the challenge is actually a...
35 minute read | posted on 2021-03-30
After having Buddy for a week, I have learned that there are a number of things that you will learn about having a dog. Different Chip Manufacturers In my previous post...
4 minute read | posted on 2021-03-30
Background I had been contemplating on getting a pet. As most of you know, I do garden and have other hobbies in my spare time. However, the pet I was thinking of getting...
7 minute read | posted on 2021-03-23
1 minute read | posted on 2021-03-23
Video Transcript (Unedited) what is going on fellow engineers this here is part of my hallway uh as you see here i have the doorbell box up here and you know i have white...
5 minute read | posted on 2021-03-20
1 minute read | posted on 2021-03-16
1 minute read | posted on 2021-03-09
Video Transcript (Unedited) what's going on fellow engineers today i actually have a handy job and so i'm going to be showing you uh some of the details related to that...
9 minute read | posted on 2021-03-06
I was recently looking into whether it was possible to write commit messages without actually commiting files. Come to find out, it is possible. You're probably thinking,...
3 minute read | posted on 2021-03-04
Video Links Mentioned Coding Challenge Repository Transcript (Unedited) what's going on good people so this video will be another coding challenge this coding challenge...
8 minute read | posted on 2021-03-02
Video Links Transcript (Unedited) continuing with the next step in the process what i'm going to be working on is to do the...
25 minute read | posted on 2021-02-27
Video Links Transcript (Unedited) i have the contact form created and the only way to access it is to click down here at the...
37 minute read | posted on 2021-02-26
THe past several years, I grew collard greens in my backyard. While in the garden today, I noticed that some of the greens that I had planted last year in containers, were...
1 minute read | posted on 2021-02-26
Video Links Transcript (Unedited) welcome back i am continuing the process of the update on the website and i know you're...
48 minute read | posted on 2021-02-25
During late 2020, I updated my NSBE chapter's website. During that update, I recorded a lot of the coding work that I had to update the website. In honor of Engineers Week...
1 minute read | posted on 2021-02-23
I wanted to have a connected thermostat that allowed me greater control for my system as well as allow me to made adjustments when away from the home. The thermostat...
1 minute read | posted on 2021-02-20 | updated on 2021-06-22
People have asked, but had to tell them that I did not do anything in the garden during the Winter of 2020 into 2021. After growing something in the garden for several...
4 minute read | posted on 2020-02-09
Video Problem I needed a monitor stand at my office. At home, I have my monitors elevated so that I do not have to sit slumpted over to see the screens. At the office, I...
1 minute read | posted on 2021-01-30 | updated on 2021-06-04
Cheatsheets have useful commands to do tasks that you may forget. This cheatsheet consisits of commands that I use when buidling .NET Core applications using Visual Studio...
1 minute read | posted on 2021-01-01 | updated on 2024-05-25
As a content creator and blogger, I attended the Black Publishers Summit offered by Google. Below are the notes that I took from the sessions that I attended. Opening...
5 minute read | posted on 2020-12-08 | updated on 2022-04-14
Background I wanted to convert the Python code for the Traffic Pi over to .NET Core with C#. These are the steps that I followed to get it set up on the Raspberry Pi 3...
1 minute read | posted on 2020-10-25 | updated on 2020-10-25
Background I needed to create a YouTube channel trailer for another channel that I manage for an organization. The channel already existed for some time, there was not...
4 minute read | posted on 2020-10-10 | updated on 2020-10-10
If you have a static website, here is how to make those updates. Before making updates, please be familiar with the Markdown language. You can reference the Markdown...
1 minute read | posted on 2020-10-04 | updated on 2020-12-19
Background Some time ago, I wrote about me converting my website from a database-driven Content Management System (CMS) website to a static website that uses a Static Site...
4 minute read | posted on 2020-09-22 | updated on 2020-09-22
Background The racial interactions that have taken place in the United States during 2020 have prompted a number of changes to take place. Calls for police reform, better...
1 minute read | posted on 2020-09-15 | updated on 2021-03-10
Background Majority of my experience with Git has been via the command line. As you may know, Git was created by the same person that created Linux, Linus Torvalds. Thus...
3 minute read | posted on 2020-09-12 | updated on 2020-09-12
TODO email r3chair , amazon card Comm Zone Workshop need to manage documents communicate information about upcoming events and activities webpage of resources, such as...
1 minute read | posted on 2020.09.12
Background Due to a change in job, I will be doing more coding in C# and .NET Core instead of Java. That being said, you probably will not be seeing any more Java...
1 minute read | posted on 2020-09-08 | updated on 2020-09-16
There are two main ways that I cook chicken. Low and slow or hot and fast. Thus I have broken up the steps in this post to describe both depending on how much time that...
4 minute read | posted on 2020-09-07 | updated on 2020-09-07
Background I needed a select list of times that was done in 10 minute increments. Previously, I had used a Kendo time picker. This meant that the selection was able to be...
36 minute read | posted on 2020-08-25 | updated on 2020-09-02
Background This convention was held virtually this year do to the coronavirus. The convention took place from August 19-23, 2020. Given that the convention was hosted...
24 minute read | posted on 2020-08-20 | updated on 2020-08-20
Background I had a job for a chair assembly for a customer. The only problem was that the customer had not received the chair. It was scheduled to be delivered on the same...
5 minute read | posted on 2020-08-19 | updated on 2020-08-19
Background As I was cleaning off files on my computer recently, I found files that I had from college. Some of these files were from the classes that I took. Some are from...
9 minute read | posted on 2020-08-16 | updated on 2020-08-16
Recently I had to replace the contactor on my air conditioner after the last one had a burned wire on it. I discuss the parts of a contactor and how it works. Check out...
6 minute read | posted on 2020-08-15 | updated on 2020-08-16
To make CiviCRM work in Wordpress, you need to have cronjobs scheduled on your system to run to certain intervals. Otherwise you have to manually run these task which will...
8 minute read | posted on 2020-08-13 | updated on 2020-08-16
In this video, I talk about the configuration options that are available in CiviCRM and discuss each of them. The configuration of the system is one of the first things...
13 minute read | posted on 2020-08-11 | updated on 2020-08-16
The air conditioner stopped working at my home. Come to find out, one of the wires had burned off on the contactor, which resulted in a hot house in August. Definitely not...
9 minute read | posted on 2020-08-08 | updated on 2020-08-16
Background I have tress and limbs that periodically fall or need to be cut. The problem that I had is that I did not have anywhere to store the items so that they could...
4 minute read | posted on 2020-08-08 | updated on 2020-08-08
Background Customer wanted to update the look on her front yard. She requested that I perform the work. The initial discussion was about replacing a shrub, but expanded...
4 minute read | posted on 2020-07-21 | updated on 2020-07-21
Background MkDocs doesn't have much information about how to do modify or create templates on its websites. As a result, I had to search around on the internet to figure...
2 minute read | posted on 2020-07-15 | updated on 2020-07-15
Background I received a request to install a ceiling fan. This bedroom did not have a ceiling fan originally, just a standard light fixture. Remove the Existing Fixture...
2 minute read | posted on 2020-07-12 | updated on 2020-07-30
Comm Zone Strategic Planning Session 20200708 excellence in membership innovative communication 360 national communication request form -...
6 minute read | posted on 2020-07-07 | updated on 2022-03-22
Video Links
4 minute read | posted on 2020-07-07 | updated on 2021-06-13
Types of Plant Reproduction sexual (seeds) asexual (vegetative) Sexual Reproduction parts of the plants are from the previous module. seeds generate differently between...
2 minute read | posted on 2020-06-24
Background Customer had some trim that was rotting on an exterior door. From what I can tell, all of the water was not being caught by the gutter in some places. As a...
1 minute read | posted on 2020-05-20 | updated on 2020-07-24
I run multiple YouTube channels. One of which is the dash cam channel where I post videos of my travels. #!/bin/bash ############################################### ##...
1 minute read | posted on 2020-04-30
Below are the notes that I took from this online presentation with Steve Smith. This presentation was done very early into the COVID-19 pandemic. In an effort to learn...
6 minute read | posted on 2020-04-09 | updated on 2021-05-25
iamashcash was the speaker step 1: make sure that people want the book survey and research the market first; are there videos on the topic; don't want to write a book on a...
3 minute read | posted on 2020-04-05
Background After the quarantine started, SchoolHouseU started doing IG Live sessions called Night School. The purpose of these night school classes was to teach people...
1 minute read | posted on 2020-03-31 | updated on 2020-08-30
Coding Session with Java and Selenium Webdriver This coming Sunday, March 22, 2020 at 6 PM Central Time, I will be hosting a live coding session to build Selenium...
1 minute read
The toilet in the bathroom, I discovered that the toilet was continuously running. When my place was quiet, I heard a noise coming from the bathroom. It was not loud. I...
6 minute read | posted on 2020-03-15 | updated on 2020-08-08
MARCH 20, 2020 23:14 UPDATE Due to the concerns and gathering restrictions that have been put in place by the local government due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), this...
1 minute read
Linux Training Session Notes, March 2020 Background Information As mentioned in the training session, I am providing the output from the terminal from the commands that...
68 minute read | posted on 2020-03-01 | updated on 2020-07-15
Linux Training Session UPDATED MARCH 6, 2020 Notes from this training session are now available. ORIGINALLY POSTED ON FEBRUARY 29, 2020 On March 1, 2020, I will be hosting...
1 minute read
](/images/2020.02.20-mega-zip-at-red-mountain-park3.jpg) Recently I took a trip to Red Mountain Park to do their Mega Zip Adventure. This trip is the second time that I...
6 minute read | posted on 2020.02.19 | updated on 2020.09.06
Background As some of you may know, I started a new job late 2019. Part of that new job meant learning technologies that was far different than what I was used to. This...
8 minute read | posted on 2021-06-03
Background Recently, I switching from using Drupal 7 to MkDocs for blogging. Here are some of the main reasons for making the switch: Drupal 7 has been replaced with...
6 minute read | posted on 2020-02-06 | updated on 2020-07-15
Developer Uses Page Background Recently, I was browsing GitHub to see how others had done their blogs and personal websites to brand themselves. In the process, I came...
3 minute read | posted on 2020-02-01 | updated on 2020-07-15
Red Lettuce Today, I removed the red lettuce that I attempted to grow this winter. Normally lettuces and other leafy greens do well during the winter season due to the...
2 minute read | posted on 2020-01-25
Google Search Console Reports 500 Errors Summary After converted my website from Drupal 7 to a static website, I received an email from Google that their Search Console...
3 minute read | posted on 2020-01-21 | updated on 2020-07-15
Background I worked for 7 years in Production Support role. When I explained the type of work that I did, I often related it to calling customer service when your internet...
16 minute read | posted on 2020-01-10 | updated on 2022-04-14
Background Each year, the church that I attend does a fast and prayer at the beginning of the year. For the past two years, I have given up something during the fasting...
13 minute read | posted on 2020-01-04
Word of the Year 2020 Background A friend was telling me that she had chose a word for the year. Of course I asked about why she chose the word that she chose and her...
5 minute read
Greens in the Grass For the last couple of years, I have grown various greens, usually collard or mustard, in the same general area of my yard. Greens don't make seeds...
2 minute read | posted on 2019-12-28 | updated on 2021-06-01
A friend on social media posted about this online financial course that is available for free from McGill University in Canada. As you can imagine, the course is designed...
14 minute read | posted on 2019-12-26
Blog Conversion Steps If you read my previous post, you found out why I chose to migrate away from a CMS (Content Management System). The conversion that I did for my...
9 minute read | posted on 2019-12-24 | updated on 2020-07-15
It is that time of year. Weather has changed for the cooler and you have a bunch of leaves in your yard. Are you really going to want to spend time raking them? Probably...
1 minute read | posted on 2019-12-22 | updated on 2021-06-01
I enjoy working with and building websites and web-based tools. However, like any piece of software, it has to be regularly worked on in order to stay up to date. Thus I...
4 minute read | posted on 2019-12-21 | updated on 2021-05-06
Blog Reverse Sort with Mkdocs The current implementation of Mkdocs, is that if you do not provide a navigation path in the mkdocs.yml file, that it will build the website...
1 minute read | posted on 2019-12-20 | updated on 2020-07-15
Every year during the month of November, the church that I attend does a series where movies are used to provide examples and metaphors of the Word. This week's particular...
4 minute read | posted on 2019-11-24 20:26:49
Automate Unattended Upgrades on Ubuntu Summary I cover how to set up your Ubuntu system to automatically update itself so that you have less maintenance to perform. Video...
8 minute read | posted on 2019-11-05 | updated on 2020-07-15
Background As some of you may know, my current role consists of me building and maintaining automations. The thing about writing code is that at some point, maintenance...
5 minute read | posted on 2019-09-05 | updated on 2022-09-30
Background They say that it takes 21 days to learn a new habit and to break old ones. Therefore, I took 28 days to see what would happen. Was I trying to overachieve by...
5 minute read | posted on 2019-08-15 22:40:33 | updated on 2020-02-01 11:50:01
Reinforce Bookcase with Plywood Summary In this video, I show how I went about reinforcing a bookcase with a plywood back. The original backing that came with the bookcase...
4 minute read | posted on 2019-07-30 | updated on 2020-07-08
Markdown My Words Background When it comes to blogging, each blogger has his or her preferences in regards to the CMS (Content Management System) to use and his or her...
2 minute read | posted on 2019-07-23 | updated on 2020-07-15
When Deploying Before Testing As you may know, on July 3, 2019, Facebook, Instagram, Down Detector, and a number of other websites were partially or fully unavailable....
4 minute read | posted on 2019-07-04 | updated on 2020-07-15
DISCLAIMER: I am not equating a squirrel to a woman. That is not a fair, nor equal comparison by no means. The comparisons mentioned below are for the sake of illustration...
6 minute read | posted on 2019-07-03 11:49:56 | updated on 2020-02-01 16:16:16
7 Reasons I Can Do That Without The App These days, everybody wants you to download their app. However, before installing an app, I ask myself whether I really do need the...
9 minute read | posted on 2019-06-16 | updated on 2020-07-15
As some of you may know, I build automations as part of my day job. Sometimes, I do find myself getting stuck on building an automation. When it comes to programming, you...
5 minute read | posted on 2019-06-13 12:58:19 | updated on 2020-02-01 11:42:47
Identify Electrical Circuits and Label Breaker Panel Summary This video describes how I went about identifying the breakers in my breaker panel. The panel only had 4 of...
12 minute read | posted on 2019-06-11 | updated on 2019-12-22
Drupal 8 Tutorial Series Over the next several weeks, I will be releasing a series of videos about how to install and set up a Drupal 8 website. Drupal is one of the most...
1 minute read | posted on 2019-06-11 | updated on 2020-07-15
Automatically Publish Content with Custom Module If you want to run a blog, one of the best time saving techniques is writing your content ahead of time and then it is...
2 minute read | posted on 2019-05-09 | updated on 2020-07-15
Background As research has frequently mentioned, one of the many keys to remaining healthy is to have an active lifestyle. One of the recommendations to achieve this is to...
6 minute read | posted on 2019-05-09 06:00:00 | updated on 2020-02-01 13:22:27
How to Install Google Chrome on Ubuntu 18.04 Video
1 minute read | posted on 2019-05-07 | updated on 2020-07-15
4 Steps to Change the Battery in Nissan Altima Intelligent Key Step 1 1) Low Key Battery message. When this message appears, you need to get a replacement battery and...
2 minute read | posted on 2019-05-02 | updated on 2020-07-08
Weber Charcoal Chimney Review and First Use Summary In this video, I give my review of the Weber Charcoal Chimney. The Weber Charcoal Chimney allows you to light charcoal...
1 minute read | posted on 2019-04-27 | updated on 2020-07-08
How to Get Started With A Garden Spring... all that pollen lets us know that is here. I recently got asked by a high school classmate how I got started with my garden and...
8 minute read | posted on 2019-04-10 | updated on 2021-06-01
Set up Gecko Driver on Ubuntu Selenium WebDriver can be used to automate routine tasks and to perform regression tests. Currently I build automations using Selenium...
3 minute read | posted on 2019-04-05 | updated on 2020-07-15
Selenium WebDriver Photo Uploader for Drupal 7 Summary Custom built automation to upload photos from the local computer to a Drupal 7-based website using Selenium...
1 minute read | posted on 2019-03-06 | updated on 2020-07-15
If you live in a small space container gardening works very great. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages to doing container gardening or gardening in pots...
4 minute read | posted on 2019-03-19 | updated on 2021-06-01
No commentary is done in the video. Just a demostration showing the process of what I did get it done. Just removing a dead and decaying tree limb from a tree. The limb...
1 minute read | posted on 2019-03-16 | updated on 2021-06-01
What is the Cooperative Extension? The Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) is based out of Auburn University (it hurts to type that... Roll Tide... That's better!)...
2 minute read | posted on 2019-03-11 | updated on 2021-06-01
This year, I decided to expand the growing space for my garden. As some of you may know, I have, for years, planted my fruits and vegetables mostly in containers and pots...
5 minute read | posted on 2019-03-11 | updated on 2021-06-01
Use Gparted to Partition USB Drive Summary This tutorial shows you how to format or partition a USB thumb drive using Gparted on your Linux. Video
1 minute read | posted on 2019-03-15 | updated on 2020-07-15
As we enter March, it's almost time to prepare for the summer garden. Weather Summary However, Mother Nature decided to throw a curve ball with an unexpected frost after...
1 minute read | posted on 2019-03-04 | updated on 2021-06-01
Drupal 8 Tutorial Series Throughout the month of March 2019, I will be releasing a series of videos on Drupal 8. Drupal 8 is the latest version of this Content Management...
1 minute read | posted on 2019-02-27 | updated on 2019-05-05
It's important to document your garden observations because humans are forgetful. Think about it... do you really remember how much fertilizer that you used 4 years ago on...
2 minute read | posted on 2019-02-23 | updated on 2021-06-01
Remove Water from Car Trunk Summary This video covers how you can permanently prevent water from staying in your trunk. The vehicle in this video that this repair is being...
1 minute read | posted on 2019-02-09 | updated on 2020-07-08
Set Timezone on Ubuntu 18.04 Server Summary This video tutorial shows you how to set the timezone on an Ubuntu Server. The server used in this video is an Ubuntu 18.04...
1 minute read | posted on 2019-01-29 | updated on 2020-07-15
Summary This tutorial shows you how to archive your video project within Kdenlive. Most of the time, when creating a video project, videographers will pull all of the...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-11-10 | updated on 2020-07-15
Summary This tutorial shows how using a timer on a "dumb" crockpot instantly makes it smarter. This is a better alternative than buying another crockpot that has the...
2 minute read | posted on 2018-11-03 | updated on 2020-07-08
Change Air Filter on 2013-2018 (5th Generation) Nissan Altima Summary This tutorial shows you how to change the engine air filter of a 2013 Nissan Altima. Although this is...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-10-27 | updated on 2020-07-08
Summary This video shows how to upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Server Edition to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server Edition. This video does not have any verbal commentary as the purpose...
2 minute read | posted on 2018-09-22 | updated on 2023-02-14
Power On Wemo Switch After Power Failure with Home Assistant Summary This tutorial shows you how to power on a Wemo switch after a power failure. When a power failure...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-08-28 | updated on 2020-07-15
Summary In this tutorial, you'll see how to install the HDHR Viewer plugin in Plex Media Server. This plugin allows you to watch content cable or OTA (over the air)...
3 minute read | posted on 2018-08-14 | updated on 2020-07-15
Background In this tutorial, I replace the toilet gasket between the tank and bowl of the toilet. Using the instructions provided in the toilet gasket replacement, I...
7 minute read | posted on 2018-07-21 | updated on 2020-08-29
Install Seven Square on Ubuntu Summary This tutorial shows how to install Seven Square on your Ubuntu machine. Seven Square allows you to view your Android device on your...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-07-04 | updated on 2020-07-15
Summary Show you how to remove duplicates from your music library collection on a Linux / Ubuntu computer. The software used in this tutorial is called fdupes. Video...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-07-07 | updated on 2021-06-13
Configure HDHomeRun Connect with Kodi on Ubuntu Summary This tutorial shows how configure the HDHomeRun Connect to work with Kodi on Ubuntu. For more information about the...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-06-26 | updated on 2020-07-15
Replace Optical Drive in PC Background This tutorial shows you how to replace a DVD-ROM drive in with a Blu-Ray drive in a computer. This step by step tutorial covers...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-06-19 | updated on 2020-07-15
Setup MyQ with Home Assistant Background This tutorial shows you how to set up MyQ to work with Home Assistant. The opener that is connected to in this tutorial is of the...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-06-12 | updated on 2020-07-15
Configure Simplisafe with Home Assistant Background This tutorial shows how to setup Simplisafe with Home Assistant. Walkthrough of adding the lines in the configuration...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-06-05 | updated on 2020-07-15
Configure DD WRT with Home Assistant This tutorial explains how to set up DD WRT router with home assistant. Using this setup, Home Assistant can react when certain...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-05-29 | updated on 2020-07-15
Belkin Wemo Switch Unboxing Background This video is the unboxing of the Belkin Wemo Switch. This unboxing is of the full size Belkin Wemo. It shows the size of the Belkin...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-05-29 | updated on 2020-07-15
Background This tutorial shows how to install Drush on your Ubuntu server. Drush allows for you to make changes to variables, perform actions, create and edit nodes, and...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-05-22 | updated on 2021-06-13
Background This tutorial shows how to configure etckeeper and GitLab to manage configuration files stored in the /etc directory on your Ubuntu desktop or server. Video...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-05-15 | updated on 2021-06-13
This video tutorial provides steps on how to set up your Home Assistant server to redirect to the appropriate port number so that you don't have to manually enter it when...
2 minute read | posted on 2018-05-08 | updated on 2023-02-14
Repair Leaking Faucet Summary This video shows how to replace the rubber gaskets, seals, and springs in a Delta faucet. The rubber gaskets and seals were purchased as a...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-05-05 | updated on 2020-07-08
Upgrade Home Assistant Background This tutorial describes how to update Home Assistant that is running in a Python virtual environment. Video Commands Used The commands...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-05-01 | updated on 2020-07-15
install Kodi on Ubuntu This video shows you how to install Kodi (formerly XBMC) on your Ubuntu device.
1 minute read | posted on 2018-05-01 | updated on 2020-07-15
Setup HP Network Printer on Ubuntu 16.04 Background This tutorial shows how to set up an HP printer on Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop. The HP LIP can be installed from the Ubuntu...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-04-24 | updated on 2020-07-15
Background This tutorial shows how to set up SSH authentication between two Linux servers. This allows for a connection between servers to be done without the use of a...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-04-17 | updated on 2023-01-17
Uninstall Plex Media Server from Ubuntu 16.04 Background This tutorial shows how to uninstall Plex Media Server from Ubuntu 16.04 using the command line. Video If you have...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-04-10 | updated on 2020-07-15
Install Plex on Ubuntu 16.04 Server or Desktop This tutorial shows how to install Plex Media Server on Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop or Server. If you have comments or questions...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-04-04 | updated on 2020-07-15
Kanban Board in Drupal 7 This tutorial shows how to set up a Kanban board using Drupal 7 and contributed modules. No coding is required. Kanban is a project management...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-03-27 | updated on 2020-07-15
Install Postfix to Use Gmail as SMTP server on Ubuntu 16.04 This tutorial shows how to install Postfix as a SMTP server on Ubuntu 16.04 Server and Desktop versions.
1 minute read | posted on 2018-03-13 | updated on 2020-07-15
Install Home Assistant on Ubuntu 16.04 VM This tutorial shows how to install Home Assistant on an Ubuntu 16.04 Virtual Machine using the steps provided on the Home...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-03-13 | updated on 2020-07-15
Setup Ubuntu 16.04 on VirtualBox This video shows Ubuntu 16.04 being installed on a VirtualBox virtual machine. This video does not provide detailed instructions. This...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-03-06 | updated on 2019-03-09
Install VirtualBox on Ubuntu 16.04 Background This tutorial shows how to install Oracle VirtualBox on Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop. Video If you have any questions about this...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-02-27 | updated on 2020-07-15
Background Webmin is a great web-based, system administration tool for Ubuntu-based desktop or servers. Since Webmin is web-based, you don't have to be familiar with the...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-02-20 | updated on 2021-06-13
Use Twitter and Rules for FarmOS Notifications Intro This tutorial allows you to use Twitter for notifications. Using the Rules module, FarmOS can send notifications for...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-02-13 | updated on 2020-07-15
Background This video tutorial shows you how to install MySQL on an Ubuntu 16.04. The installation is really simple and requires just a few commands to be entered. This...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-02-07 | updated on 2021-06-13
RaspiTraffic Demo, US Signaling Demonstration showing a real traffic light being controlled by a Raspberry Pi. The signaling performed in this diagram follows the US...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-01-23 | updated on 2020-07-15
One year ago, I installed this Liftmaster 8500 garage door opener. Bought it online and installed it myself within a weekend. The kit that I purchased came with the MyQ...
3 minute read | posted on 2018-01-20 | updated on 2020-07-08
Snowfall Timelapse in Montgomery, AL - January 16-17, 2018 Background Timelapse of the snowfall that occurred on January 16-17, 2018. In total, 3 to 4 inches of snow fell...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-01-19 | updated on 2021-06-01
Raspberry Pi First Run and Installing Updates Background If you don't have a Raspberry Pi, this will show you what the first run of one looks like after you have flashed...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-01-16 | updated on 2020-07-15
Video Commands Install Samba on your Ubuntu desktop or server. If you have Windows and Linux based computers on your network, having Samba installed makes transferring...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-01-16 | updated on 2021-06-13
FarmOS NWS 2.0 The purpose of this project is to allow FarmOS to use data from the National Weather Service (NWS) to allow it to make better decisions as well as to log...
1 minute read | posted on 2018-01-14 | updated on 2020-07-15
Problem I wanted to be able to run speed tests to make sure that I was getting the internet speeds that I was paying for. While a speedtest can be done from the web...
1 minute read | posted on 2017-12-16 | updated on 2023-01-17
UFW or Uncomplicated FireWall, comes with Ubuntu and some other Linux distributions. This video shows how to install and configure it on your system. Video The Script...
1 minute read | posted on 2017-11-14 | updated on 2023-02-14
Build Web Application without Coding Using Drupal 7 Presentation Information This presentation describes how to create a web-based application using Drupal 7 without doing...
15 minute read
Needed a script that would automatically pull the latest version of the repository into a folder. This script was created in an effort to automate the deployments for my...
1 minute read | posted on 2017-09-10 | updated on 2023-02-14
Linux rm Argument list too long A problem that occasionally occurs is that when attempting to remove files in Unix or Linux system is that when you attempt to remove files...
2 minute read | posted on 2017-04-03 | updated on 2020-07-15
Setup SSH on OpenWRT This video shows how to set up SSH on OpenWRT version Chaos Calmer. Router used was TP-Link TL-WD4300.
1 minute read | posted on 2016-11-19 | updated on 2020-07-15
2016 election means new amendments which make no sense on the ballot. Please be sure to look at the sample ballot for the county and state that you will be voting in and...
7 minute read
Find Lines Longer than Specified Length When editing data files, sometimes you need to find the lines that are longer or shorter than a certain length to make corrections....
1 minute read | posted on 2016-09-28 | updated on 2020-07-15
Install OpenWRT on Linksys WRT1900AC v1 Video explains how to install OpenWRT on Linksys WRT1900AC Version 1.
1 minute read | posted on 2016-07-14 | updated on 2020-07-15
Problem The more you use your Linux based system, the more files will be created. One thing that I noticed with mine is that the log directory would continue to grow. When...
2 minute read | posted on 2016-05-29 | updated on 2023-06-03
As a way to see if servers are online and can be reached for file transfers, I decided to create the script to do just that. The Script #!/bin/bash...
1 minute read | posted on 2016-05-09 | updated on 2023-02-14
Automating Ubuntu 14.04 Automatic Updates sudo dpkg-reconfigure unattended-upgrades If you receive an error stating that unattended-upgrades package cannot be found, then...
1 minute read | posted on 2016-03-10 | updated on 2020-07-15
Problem I have several Ubuntu (Linux) computers and systems that run on my home network. Now while I could manually perform updates on each of these, what I decided to do...
1 minute read | posted on 2016-02-28 | updated on 2023-06-03
Run Drupal Cron via Bash with Drush date DRUPALHOME=/path/to/drupal/site cd $DRUPALHOME drush cron date
1 minute read | posted on 2016-02-04 | updated on 2020-07-15
Automate Drupal Update with Drush via Shell Script date cd $HOME/bin . cd $DRUPALHOME # turn on maintenance mode drush variable-set --exact maintenance_mode 1...
1 minute read | posted on 2016-02-04 | updated on 2020-07-15
HDMI Sound on Ubuntu with Shuttle DS61 If you have issues getting the sound to work using Ubuntu via HDMI, perform the following steps in order: Confirm that the volume on...
1 minute read | posted on 2015-11-21 | updated on 2020-07-15
Sample Interview Question Unix/Linux Experience This is a sample interview question that has been given to those that are interviewing for an IT Consultant role. This...
1 minute read | posted on 2015-10-30 | updated on 2020-07-15
Sample Interview Question SQL/Database Experience This is a sample question for interviewees that state that they have SQL and Database experience. Problem: Join the two...
1 minute read | posted on 2015-10-30 | updated on 2020-07-15
When working with files in Unix or Linux, sometimes you need to find the files that are greater than a specified number of characters. Unix or Linux systems are often used...
1 minute read | posted on 2015-10-30 | updated on 2022-04-14
How to disable foreign key constraints in MySQL Why would you want to disable a foreign key constraint? Well there are some scenarios... such as when you are refreshing...
1 minute read | posted on 2015-10-21 | updated on 2020-07-15
Green Screen with Flash videos in Windows 10 Great!!! You've upgrade to Windows 10. No issues thus far. Then you go to one of your favorite websites to watch some videos....
1 minute read | posted on 2015-10-07 | updated on 2020-07-15
I wanted to have a script to ensure that the internet connection was up and running. One way to do this quickly was to create a script that could perform a speed test to...
1 minute read | posted on 2015-10-01 | updated on 2023-02-14
A client had a need for notifying others of upcoming holidays in some automated reports. Instead of manually adding these holidays to the reports as they were approaching,...
4 minute read | posted on 2015-09-04 | updated on 2022-09-30
Search Engine Optimization If you search for your company’s website, is it the first result that shows up? If not, then your business’s website needs to undergo Search...
1 minute read | posted on 2015-06-28 | updated on 2020-07-15
Installing Drupal 7 on 1 and 1 Web Hosting Unless you use the "click to build" tool that is provided by 1 and 1, Drupal 7 requires some knowledge to set up on their...
3 minute read | posted on 2015-06-28 | updated on 2020-07-15
How To Synchronize Files Between Two or More Windows Computers Do you have two or more computers running Windows? If you do, do you hate having to backup or keep files...
1 minute read | posted on 2015-06-28 | updated on 2020-07-15
Don't Use "Click Here" in Links We have all seen it on a website. You read a sentence related to what you are doing and then it says to "click here" to do something. This...
1 minute read | posted on 2015-06-28 | updated on 2020-07-15
Java Swap Values This program swaps the values of two inputs and then prints them back out to the console. package com.thealmostengineer.swapvalues; import...
1 minute read | posted on 2014-02-08 | updated on 2020-07-15
Java Count Up and Down package com.thealmostengineer.countupdown; /** * * @author almostengr * @file Counts up and down to the specified provided number. */ public class...
1 minute read | posted on 2014-02-08 | updated on 2020-07-15
Automatically creating new menu items Drupal 7 Menu breadcrumbs Drupal breadcrumbs implementation is a never-ending source of frustration for many website developers. A...
3 minute read | posted on 2012-06-21 | updated on 2020-07-15
Installing Drupal 7 on 1and1 Servers You will need a 1and1 hosted package that supports PHP 5.2+ and MySQL 5.xx to run Drupal 7 Download Drupal 7.xx Uncompress Drupal...
1 minute read | posted on 2012-05-19 | updated on 2020-07-15
Use Session Variables in Grails Domain Class If you have tried using a session variable in the domain class of your Grails project, you clearly know that this will not...
1 minute read | posted on 2012-03-06 | updated on 2020-07-15
Setup LDAP on Ubuntu 10.04 I attempted to set up and LDAP server on Ubuntu, but apparently I skipped a step or missed part of the instructions because I could not get it...
2 minute read | posted on 2012-02-09 | updated on 2020-07-15
Ubuntu Server Recently managed to setup an Ubuntu 10.04 server for my business Black Box Innovation Technologies. It uses LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) for our hosted...
1 minute read | posted on 2011-12-12 | updated on 2020-07-15
Well it is very easy to migrate drupal site which you have in your computer using WAMP. Just need to follow the following steps. You will have to upload all the files of...
1 minute read | posted on 2011-08-12 | updated on 2023-01-21
Image Rotator I created a image scrolling script for a website. Below is the Javascript and HTML code to use it. Please leave the credits to me var indexBannersNum = 0;...
1 minute read | posted on 2011-07-12 | updated on 2020-07-15
Grails - Recreate Controller and Views for Updated Domain Class I did some work with Grails (version 1.3.7) and Groovy today. I use SpringSource ToolSuite as my IDE. If...
1 minute read | posted on 2011-07-07 | updated on 2020-07-15
Occasionally I post code snippets on the blog so that I can use them in my code in the future. One of the many snippets is a list of the states in the United States. The...
6 minute read | posted on 2011-06-29 | updated on 2022-08-30
Above The Scroll - Web Design "Above the Scroll" in the web design world is similar to "above the fold" in the newspaper world. You want the most eye-catching content to...
1 minute read | posted on 2011-05-25 | updated on 2020-07-15
Rename A File - VB.Net ' Change "c:\test.txt" to the path and filename for the file that ' you want to rename. My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile("C:\Test.txt",...
1 minute read | posted on 2011-05-19
How to keep a form from losing focus - VB.Net If you want to keep a form from losing focus (i.e. options/preferences form) in your VB.Net program you can use the code...
1 minute read | posted on 2011-05-18 | updated on 2020-07-15
ASP.Net Application Errors I've been working with an ASP.Net application. After publishing the application and moving it to the server, initially I would get an error...
1 minute read | posted on 2011-05-16 | updated on 2020-07-15
Oracle PLSQL Commands If you are unfamiliar with Oracle DB and/or PL/SQL Commands, you can go to and look up a variety of commands to complete...
1 minute read | posted on 2011-05-10
BIRT Reporting If doing a BIRT report and you get a "+ There is no report design object available." error, then you have a version incompatibility. Chances are, there...
1 minute read | posted on 2011-03-30 | updated on 2020-07-15
Free Software for Web Development Here is a list of some of the free, some which are open-source, software that I use for web development. An internet search will provide...
1 minute read | posted on 2011-03-07 | updated on 2020-07-15
So after watching a video with Scott Hanselman speaking to a group of Microsoft developers, I decided that I would create a blog for code that I have developed and...
1 minute read | posted on 2010-07-22 | updated on 2023-01-17
Whole Baked Chicken with Lemon Pepper Seasoning Ingredients 1 chicken Lemon pepper seasoning (or another seasoning of your choosing) Directions Pre-heated oven at 400 F...
1 minute read
Needed to make some sauce for a peta that was for dinner. Since I did not want to go to the store, I used what I had in the fridge to make a remixed version of Tzatziki...
1 minute read | posted on 2021-08-17
Sweet Potato Pie Ingredients 1 pound sweet potato 1/2 cup softened butter 1 cup brown sugar (or white sugar) 1/2 cup milk (or evaporated milk) 2 eggs 1/2 teaspoon ground...
1 minute read
No Pre-Heat Whole Chicken Ingredients whole chicken seasonings of your choosing Directions Rinse chicken. Remove the packet in the cavity if there is one Season chicken....
1 minute read
Ingredients potatoes cut on grater or frozen hash browns eggs ham, bacon, or sausage green onions, chopped seasonings cooking spray Cooking Pre-heat waffle iron or maker...
1 minute read
Hot Pepper Sauce Ingredients Hot peppers (grown in garden is preferred, but store-bought is acceptable) white vinegar salt garlic Directions Remove steps from peppers....
1 minute read
Grilled Hamburgers Ingredients Ground beef (ground turkey or pork can be substituted) 1 egg Hamburger seasoning (or seasoned salt and pepper) Directions Heat the grill to...
1 minute read
Grilled Pork Ribs Ingredients Pork ribs Apple cider vinegar Onions (or granulated onion) Garlic (or garlic powder) Salt Water Barbeque sauce Directions Heat the grill to...
1 minute read
Grilled Corn Ingredients Corn on the cob, still in husk Garlic seasoning Salt Pepper Butter Directions Heat the grill to cooking temperature. Place the corn on the grill....
1 minute read
Egg Tacos Ingredients Tortilla (white or wheat) eggs salsa cheese (optional) seasonings of your choosing sour cream (optional) Directions Warm tortilla(s) in skillet Once...
1 minute read
DIY Hamburger Helper Ingredients 1 pound of ground beef (can substitute ground turkey) elbow noodles (or other if you choose) jar of pasta sauce seasonings of your choice...
1 minute read
Crock Pot Collard Greens Ingredients Fresh Collard greens (not those in a can) Smoked Turkey neck or smoked turkey wings seasonings water Cooking Wash collards (if they...
1 minute read
Sausage and Meatballs Serves 8-10 Ingredients 3-5 pounds sausage and meatbals, uncooked 6 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped 1 28-ounce can crushed tomatoes 1-2 28-ounce...
1 minute read
Pot Roast Servce 6-10 Ingredients 2-4 pound beef chuck pot roast 1/2 cup flour kosher salt and pepper 3 carrots, sliced 3 potatoes, quartered 3 onions, sliced 2 stalks,...
1 minute read
Lemon Herb Roasted Chicken Serves 4-6 Ingredients 4-6 pound roasting chicken 1/2 cup onino, chopped 1-2 tablespoons butter juice of one lemon 1/2 teapsoon Kosher salt 2...
1 minute read
Easy, Healthy Fish Fillet Serves 4-6 Ingredients Kosher salt and pepper 2-3 pounds white fish (cod, sea bass, tilapia, or catfish), skilled fresh herbs (flat-leaf parsley,...
1 minute read
Chili Serves 6-8 Ingredients 2 large onions, chopped 5-6 cloves garlic, minced 2 green peppers, chopped 2-4 pounds ground beef, cooked and drained 2 14-ounce cancs, red,...
1 minute read
Chicken Cacciatore Serves 4-8 Ingredients 2-3 onions, thinly sliced 2-4 pounds chicek (breasts or thighs), skinned 1 28-ounce can plum tomatoes, chopped 5 cloves garlic,...
1 minute read
Beef Stew Serves 6-8 Ingredients 2-4 pounds beef chuck stew meat, cut into 1 inch cubes 1/2 cup flour Kosher salt and pepper 3 cupes beef broth 1 tablespooon...
1 minute read
Beef Bourguignon Serves 6-8 Ingredients 3 tablespoons flour Kosher salt and pepper 3 pounds beef chuck, cut into 1inch cubes 3 large carrots, peeled and sliced 1 medium...
1 minute read
BBQ Pulled Pork Serves 6-8 Ingredients 2.5-5 pound pork loin, trimmed of fat 2-4 cups barbeque sauce 2-4 onions, chopped 6-8 hamburger buns or hard rolls Cooking place...
1 minute read
Baby Back Ribs Serves 6-10 Ingredients 2-4 racks of baby back ribs, cut into 3-4 pieces each 2-4 cups barbeque sauce 2-4 onions, chopped place ribs in corckpot. top with...
1 minute read
Cheese Dip Ingredients 1/2 block of Cream cheese 2 handfuls of shredded cheddar cheese (or other cheese of your chosing) salsa Tools Microwave Microwave-safe bowl...
1 minute read
Baked Bacon Ingredients Bacon Tools Oven pre-heated to 400 F (205 C) Cooking sheet (or cast iron skillet) Directions Pre-heat oven to stated temperature Lay strips of...
1 minute read
On a regular basis, I will cook dinner, breakfast, or some other food. Those recipes that I want to document and share, I place them here. None of that long filler text...
1 minute read
Solution This was the first version of by blog hosted on Blogger. In 2015, I moved the blog from Blogger to a dedicated site for a business that I was starting. That...
1 minute read